Leak Diagnosis

How soon can you come take a look at my leak?

Due to the difficulty associated with finding and repairing leaks, leak diagnosis remains one of our most popular and requested services. In many seasons, our availability for diagnosing leaks fills up before the season even starts and we begin a waiting list. It is important to speak to us as soon as possible if you have leak concerns and need a leak diagnosis.

What is your guarantee for finding and repairing leaks?

The accessibility of the pond membrane (liner), plumbing, and other vital components varies greatly between ponds and consequently may limit the area we are able to examine for leaks. While we do our best to examine the pond as thoroughly as possible, these limitations often prevent us from being able to examine the pond in its entirety. Due to these considerations, we are unable to guarantee the location of leakage during a leak diagnosis. The warranty period for repairs varies based upon the type of repair attempted and overall condition of the pond and only applies to the area that was repaired (i.e. does not cover against additional or future leakage).